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Empty Drum Returns

Empty Drum Returns

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Returns, Rules, & Regulations

There are various laws and regulations governing the practices associated with used, empty steel or plastic containers. The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act and the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act are just two examples of such legislation. It is important for both container emptiers and reconditioners to be aware of these laws and to comply with them. Furthermore, the U.S. Department of Transportation has established its own regulations regarding the transport of empty containers from on party to another. All parties involved in this process need to be aware of these regulations and adhere to them.

FDS must follow certain policies for empty containers sent for reconditioning, in order to ensure necessary measures are adhered to and avoid any potential liability. 

It is the responsibility of the emptier that their respective organizations are properly trained. (Please note that even salvage/junk containers must meet our policy, as they first need to be processed and cleaned before the steel or plastic can be recycled).

Once you have filled out the forms below, please download and email them to [email protected].