Empty IBC (Tote) Returns
- Any product you return to FDS for reconditioning, reprocessing, or compliant disposal is backed by a multi-million dollar insurance policy that covers both you and your customers against any environmental concerns.
- Please follow the Empty Container Preparation as outlined on the attached form
- Please complete the on-line “IBC (Tote) Return Form” below and submit it back to us via email
- If you prefer to fax back the IBC (Tote) Return Form, please print the pdf. form attached on this page and fax it to FDS at 1-708-597-1117
- Any additional questions, please phone us directly at 1-800-758-6665
- We appreciate your business!
At FDS, Inc. we ONLY accept containers that are reusable and completely EMPTY
IBCs (Tote) – Standards of Acceptance
- Cage must be free of excessive rust and bowing and there should be no or few broken welds or missing bolts
- IBC (Tote) must be free from outside product contamination
- IBC (Tote) cannot contain any other product residues than those listed on the original bill of lading
- The last product contained must be specified with proper, legally conforming labeling
- All original labels, markers, hazmat classifications, etc., must be legible and in place
- Plastic and steel pallets must have all welds and bolts intact with no broken or bent corners
- Wooden pallets must have no broken or missing boards
- Bottles must be intact, free of punctures, cuts and cracks
- Bottles must be secured with the proper fill caps, gaskets, and bungs
- IBCs (Tote) must be securely closed with original lids and closures needed to be operational
- All valves must be closed
- Bottles and cages should not be painted, marked, or covered with residue
- IBCs (Tote) that contained toxic, flammable, carcinogenic, or excessively hazardous products should be decontaminated and labeled “Neutralized”
The following are examples of IBCs (Totes) that are NOT acceptable for return. Each of these would be subject to compliant destruction and or heel charges.

Each IBC (Tote) must also be properly EMPTIED by the filler so that it meets the regulatory definitions of "EMPTY"
A container is “COMPLETELY EMPTY” when all free-flowing residues that cling to the interior surface of the container have been poured or scraped out, exposing 95% or more of the container’s original surface.
The EPA’s 40 CFR 261.7 states that, with regard to most regulated residues, a container is “EMPTY” if:
- All wastes have been removed that can be removed using the practices commonly employed to remove materials from that type of container, e.g. pouring, pumping, aspirating
- No more than 2.5 centimeters (1 inch) of residue remains in the bottom of the container if it is less than 110 gallons in size
- No more than 0.3% by weight of the total capacity of the container remains in the container or inner liner if the container is greater than 110 gallons in size
IBCs (Totes) that DO NOT meet this "EMPTY" requirement of the FDS Terms and Conditions of Acceptance will be rejected from pick-up.
- NON-COMPLIANT Tote Returns will be charged $45.00 for destruction
- NON-HAZARDOUS RESIDUE or HEEL received in EXCESS of one gallon will have a $12.00/gal charge or a negotiated value based on the extent of the violation

These images serve as a guideline for Emptiers to best illustrate accurately measured heel amounts. These are all NOT acceptable and would be subject to compliant heel disposal charges.

Other Duties of the Emptier include:
- The numbers of IBCs (Tote), the names of the products and the fillers need to be communicated with EACH pick-up request
- Material Safety Data Sheets (MDSD) sheets must be made available to FDS at all times for regulated last contains
- By signing the FDS Tote Return and Empty Container Certification forms, the emptier accepts the terms and conditions outlined in both forms
- The “Emptier” issues all necessary documentation and provides any placards in order to maintain compliance for reverse transportation
FDS, Inc. requires that the following forms be completed for ALL Empty Containers: